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Is your website ADA compliant?

When President George H. W. Bush signed the ADA bill into law in 1990 the World Wide Web was in its infancy with the very first web site published later that year.  Back then, the ADA law only covered requirements a business needs to fulfill to allow all people with disabilities to have an easy access to their business premises. Now, 30 years later, the ADA law help people with all kinds of disabilities not only feel welcome in a hotel room but also on a hotel website.

Is my business required to comply with the ADA?

Since ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) became law on July 26 1990, people with disabilities have to have access to the same opportunities as those without. According to Title III of the Americans With Disabilities Act, and the September 25th, 2018 Letter from the Department of Justice, websites are considered a place of Public Accommodation, and need to Comply with WCAG 2.0 at minimum. It is a legal requirement. Even though there are no clear regulations how an ADA-compliant website should look like, if your business falls under ADA Title I or ADA Title III, your website must offer „reasonable accessibility" to people with disabilities. 

Is it worth to be ADA compliant? 

Nearly 19 percent of individuals in the United States have some kind of a disability, and 12 percent has a severe disability. It means that if your site is not ADA compliant you are missing about 50 million of potential customers! Some of those people might be interested in your service but if your website is not ADA compliant they will likely search for a different company whose website will be more accessible. Worth to mention is a website which is ADA compliant has better SEO results and usability. Lastly, being ADA compliant means no worries! In recent years, many famous brands have been hit with lawsuits because their websites were not ADA compliant.

Don't wait up! Be ADA compliant today! 

What does it all mean for your site? It must be ADA compliant. If not, you should start to consider yourself as a potential receiver of a lawsuit. Each year courts are filled up with lawsuits strictly connected to the lack of ADA Website Compliance. How to prevent yourself from being served? Hand your website over to professionals! Our Support team can install the plugin on your website, and have it ADA Compliant in as little as 48 hours. Click here to learn more about our Professional Services

For more details about ADA Compliance go to: https://perc.buzz/ada-compliance/ref/3

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