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Category Blog Menu Item (Joomla 2.5)

A category Blog is useful menu item type that is very similar to a Featured Article menu item type. Both will display multiple articles on one page within your site. The Category Blog menu item pulls only from one category while the Featured Article will feature several articles from multiple categories. This article explains how to create a Category Blog menu item type.

Before creating the Category Blog menu item, you should create a separate category and save the articles that you'd like to display into that category. It may be helpful to name the category "Blogs"; that way, you'll be able to identify it easily when you create your menu item.

After logging into the back end of your site, go to the Menu Manager.


Select the menu item where you'd like to create the Category Blog menu item type and then select the "New" button in the toolbar to create a new menu item.


Paying attention to red asterisks, click on the "Select" button that is next to the menu item type field.


And select "Category Blog" from the list of menu item types that appears.


Complete the menu item by creating a title, selecting a "Menu Location", and under "Required Settings", select the category where you saved the articles that you'd like to display when this menu item is selected by a user. Be sure to save your work.


Return to the front end of your site, refresh the page, select the menu item you created, and you can see the articles you saved into the category you selected as you created the Category Blog.


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