By Jonathan James Gafill on Friday, 14 September 2012
Category: News & Announcements Reaches a PageRank of 8

Warning to all readers: this is not a blog post. It is a shameless brag post!

Now that you have had fair warning, and you've chosen to continue reading, we would like to unveil the latest news tid-bit. Earlier today, during some routine Google PageRank checking, we found that the PageRank has risen to the astronomical value of 8!

The History of PageRank

Developed way back in 1996 by Sergey Brin and Larry Page (that’s where the “Page” comes in), the system was set to use algorithms that ranked sites on a 1-10 scale based on link popularity. Soon after this system was designed, it was put into use when the same two gentlemen founded a company you may have heard of, Google. Essentially, PageRank is one of many indicators to a sites link popularity. 

What does this mean?

We’re glad you asked! It means that we are very popular in the world of hyperlinks. It confirms our suspicion that we are growing into a popular and powerful company. Apparently the rest of the web thinks so too. Companies that we once looked up to, now seem to be more like peers. It’s a great feeling. We are glad that our loyal clients are along for the ride, and we thank you for helping us reach this milestone!

Be on the lookout for more great things coming from!

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