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Meet The Team

Jonathan James Gafill


Chief Executive Officer


Jonathan grew up a small town in Northern Michigan and spent a lot of his early years sailing, playing music and travelling. His interests both in and out of the classroom were focused on computers, robotics and many other techno shenanigans. For a decade Jonathan has been working on the web and sharpening his skills. He is known as a jack-of-all-trades and possess the required knowledge to both foster and lead the various CloudAccess.net teams.

Larisa Patel


Cloud Support Engineer


Larisa Patel works out of CloudAccess.net India and completed a Bachelors Degree in Engineering (Information Technology) from the L.J. Institute of Information Technology in Ahmedabad, India. She is CCNA certified and works as a Joomla and WordPress support specialist. She also provides a lot of the site sanitization services offered by CloudAccess.net and she loves her job. When not working, Larisa enjoys spending time with friends and family and listening to music.

Derek Snieg


Support Team Lead


Derek completed a Bachelor of Arts degree in 2010 at the University of Szczecin in Szczecin, Poland where his focus of study was music and information technology education. Derek was introduced to Joomla a few months before graduation, joined the CloudAccess.net Poland team, and has become one of our most passionate support people. In his free time Derek enjoys reading and gaming, but his passion is music. Between 2012 and 2018 he was also the lead singer and bass player for a Polish heavy metal band, Headbanger. Derek is involved in the local Joomla User Group in Szczecin. Between 2017 and 2018, Derek was volunteering as a support specialist in the Joomla Extensions Directory, the official repository for Joomla extensions. Since 2020 Derek has joined the Joomla Volunteer Enangement Team and became the Support Team Lead for our CloudAccess.net support team, striving to focus on providing our team the best training possible and to uphold and improve the standard of support he and his colleagues worked hard to set for the past 10 years.

janis big


Systems Engineer


Working from the CloudAccess.net Poland office, Janis is a Cloud Support Engineer but looks to branch out and join other teams within the company. Prior to his work with us, Janis worked as a customer service specialist for Microsoft. Janis finds that CloudAccess.net has a friendly atmosphere and that everyone here is very supportive. Janis is Polish, lives in Police, Poland, and is of Greek descent. In his free time Janis enjoys reading Umberto Eco books, listening to music and playing basketball.

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Cloud Support Engineer


Harold studied Computer Science in college and has been a web hosting support specialist since 2013. Since that time, he's worked with a number of companies in different roles, allowing him to have a broad view on a number of hosting-related subjects. He loves working with CloudAccess.net and learning new skills on a daily basis, which allows him to do another thing he loves - providing the level of support we at CloudAccess.net proud ourselves of. In his spare time, he enjoys playing basketball, playing video games and watching movies.

Pawel Panek


Chief Technology Officer


Pawel works remotely in Szczecin, Poland and has been with CloudAccess.net since 2011. He received a Masters Degree in Computer Science at West Pomeranian University of Technology in Poland in 2005. He enjoys his work a great deal because he is creating, building, and maintaining state-of-the-art servers and developing new services for CloudAccess.net. He is forward-thinking when constructing networks and services or when solving intricate tasks for customers. In his free time Pawel enjoys being outside, hiking, fishing, and breathing fresh air.

Kris Sibinski


Systems Engineer


Kris works out of Szczecin, Poland office. Before joining CloudAccess.net Poland in 2011, Kris was an IT Technician and small network administrator. He enjoys his work because of the diversity of the people he meets everyday. He enjoys seeing other people happy by resolving issues they experience, even if the task is a simple one. Kris became a certified IT Technician after completing a postgraduate course of study at the Delta Technical Institute in Szczecin, Poland in 2002. In his spare time Kris enjoys listening to music and playing his guitar. He also enjoys cycling and playing European football.

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Systems Engineer


Dolphy is a systems engineers who works remotely from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. He enjoys helping our clients and solving complex issues. 



Platform Engineer


Trang works remotely in Hanoi, Vietnam. He is a reliable and self motivated web developer - his exceptional work flow, skills, creativity and understanding of change requests made the project grow very fast. Trang is ready to deal with difficult situations and solve the problems on time. After ten years experience with many well-known frameworks, PHP is in his blood now. To him, working is relaxing.



Graphic Designer & Founder


Pawel is a self-taught graphic artist and has been with the company since the beginning. All of the beautiful artwork on our site and in our Cloud Control Panel was created by Pawel. Prior to his work with CloudAccess.net, Pawel cooperated with various interactive agencies as a graphic artist. Pawel helped to develop the CloudAccess.net office in Szczecin, Poland. He enjoys his work a great deal because he loves to design new things that others will see and use. To him, it’s exciting to think that somewhere in the world people are using his business card, website, or logo designs. In his free time, Pawel enjoys gaming and spending time with his fiancée. Pawel is also a member of the Joomla Extensions Directory (JED) team.