By Guest on Wednesday, 10 January 2018
Category: Cloud Hosting

Meltdown & Spectre and what you should know

What's the big deal? 

Around the world 2018 started out with a bang… and the tech-world was no exception! Two major vulnerabilities (Spectre: CVE-2017-5754, CVE-2017-5753 and Meltdown: CVE-2017-5715) were disclosed. These vulnerabilities affect the underlying hardware found in most of the worlds devices. This includes most phones, tablets, computers and web servers.

It is widely accepted that these vulnerabilities had not been exploited “in the wild” prior to the disclosure. Both Meltdown and Spectre utilize flaws that are physically built into the chips produced by most of the major manufactures. This flaw could potentially allow an attacker to gain unauthorized access to the memory (RAM) on a system.

What we're doing about it? 

Our team has been monitoring the situation closely. Patches/updates are being distributed by the various software and operating system vendors, and we are testing and implementing these patches as quickly as possible. All clients will receive notifications letting them know of the associated maintenance periods. Our primary goal continues to be ensuring the security, uptime and performance of our clients websites.

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