By Guest on Wednesday, 25 October 2017
Category: Because We Care

Knowledge is Power! learns about Breast Cancer.

Last night several of our staff and family members attended the “What You Need to Know About Breast Cancer Now” seminar that was hosted at the Cowell Family Cancer Center here in Traverse City Michigan.

Topics discussed were “The Importance of Breast Screening Mammography and 3D Tomosynthesis” presented by Leah Carlson, MD. This subject emphasized the importance of having regular screenings and the new technologies that are being introduced in the screening process. As indicated in the discussion, women should get an annual breast exam starting at age 40 and going through age 80 and beyond if deemed necessary by their medical provider.

Up next was “The Healthy Cancer-Fighting Kitchen” by Natalie Brehm, Oncology Dietitian. Through this discussion, attendees learned about the different types of foods that we should be eating (mostly a plant-based diet) and the foods that we should be avoiding. Other subjects such as which foods to purchase organic and the Mediterranean diet were also purveyed in this chat.

The final topic of the night was “The Role of Exercise in Preventing Breast Cancer” by Annemarie Wigton, Certified Cancer Exercise Specialist. She emphasized the role that exercise not only plays on a healthy person’s life but the extra importance that it has on someone who has been diagnosed with cancer. She discussed different cultures from around the world and how they are living longer lives by adding in more exercise to their daily lives and choosing to eat healthier. Things as simple as parking further away from the office or going for a brisk walk during lunch can do wonders for one’s health. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends that adults should engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity every week.

When all was said and done, we had learned a lot about breast cancer and the benefits of getting early screenings, diet, and exercise. Two of our team members, Charlie and Joseph, won a drawing and were both awarded a Breast Cancer Awareness Hat. The team then finished up the evening with dinner at a local restaurant where they reflected on the evening and enjoyed hanging out and getting to know each other better.

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