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Create an Article Menu Item (Joomla 3)

This article explains how to add a "Create Article" Menu Item Type so users can create an article from the front end of the Joomla site. Site administrators can log in on the front end themselves to create an article, but additional users can also log in to perform the same action. Before following the steps below, be sure to create a Login Module on the front end. You may also want to read our Joomla! 3 User Manager documentation if you'd like grant a specific user group the permission to perform this action.

To create a Create Article menu item, log into the back end of your Jsite, and go to the Menu Manager. Open the menu you’d like to work with and select the "New" button to create a new menu item.


While creating the new menu item,  press the “Select” button to select which the menu item type. 


You will see a list of menu item type groups. Select the "Articles" group and it will expand to show your Articles menu item type choices. Select the a "Create Article" menu item type.


Add a title for the menu item. Remember to save your work.


Go to the front end of your site, hit refresh, and you will be able to see the Create Article menu item you created.


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