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HTTPS and why you should use it.

What is HTTPS and why everyone is so obsessed about it?

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CloudAccess.net 2018 Summary

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  1856 Hits

Bikeshedding and functional website

Bikeshedding is a term that was coined as a metaphor. Focusing on minutiae while neglecting the bigger picture sums it up quite well. Below is a discussion of how bikeshedding can be utilized in an effort to maintain perspective while still creating a compelling, relevant, and functional website.

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  2311 Hits

How sites get hacked and how to prevent it?



Every day thousands of websites get hacked and about one-third of those sites are based on popular CMS (Content Management System) applications like WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal or Magento. The most popular CMS is, of course, WordPress, which is used on over 60% of all CMS based websites. Since CloudAccess.net specializes in the hosting of CMS applications (Joomla! and WordPress) we are dealing with hacked sites on daily basis.

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  1586 Hits

GDPR - what does it mean?


The European Union has implemented a new law called the General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR for short - to help protect personal data of EU citizens. As a company that has many clients in the European Union, we have taken this very seriously and took steps to make sure that our service is GDPR compliant, which means many good things for our clients, not only from the EU but from all around the world.

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Joomla World Conference 2017


What better place to organize the Joomla! World Conference than a country where the CMS is very popular and a city that is marvelous? Of course, all roads leads to Rome.

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Save 50% with our Black Friday offer!


Black Friday is here! To honor online shoppers everywhere, we’re offering tremendous savings on Joomla! or WordPress hosting & support plan purchases. To take advantage of the most savings we’ve offered all year, simply purchase a new Standard or Business plan. You can also upgrade a free site or upgrade your current plan to a higher level of service to get more Cloud Control Panel™ (CCP) features, site resources and a higher level of support from our team.

Promotional Details

This is a great opportunity for all types of clients to save ½ of their hosting costs! That’s right - get 50% off hosting & support on your initial order! From free accounts to those who have already purchased a hosting and support plan, anyone purchasing a new Standard or Business plan or upgrading a current plan will receive:

  • Additional CCP Features
  • More Site Resources
  • A Higher Level of Support from CloudAccess.net
  • Additional Applications for as little as $3 (only Business Plans)

See our Plans

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JCH Optimize - how to make your site faster


JCH Optimize is a plugin that’s available for Joomla!, WordPress, Magento, and Drupal and is used to optimize your site. What does optimization mean in this context? Well, to make a long story short, it automates certain actions like combining CSS and JavaScript files to get your site working faster. I use it on a Joomla! website I created and maintain, https://sabaton.pl The website uses many graphics, extensions, and custom CSS/JavaScript, so optimization is key here. Here’s a scan from Pingdom to show you its speed without JCH Optimize and caching:

While a 4.35 second load time with a 2MB home page is not the worst, it definitely can be better - and that’s where JCH Optimize comes in. Let’s see a more in-depth analysis of what’s wrong with the site:

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  6067 Hits

Why is it important to use secure passwords?


Why do we need to use passwords?

According to the Wikipedia: “A password is a word or string of characters used for user authentication to prove identity or access approval to gain access to a resource which is to be kept secret from those not allowed access.”. Since we need to keep some things to ourselves, it is a good practice to secure them properly. In this blog I will try to explain to you why it is important to use unique, strong passwords and how to easily manage them.
Oh and I will try to explain from the site’s security perspective, but the rules are similar when it comes to securing all your accounts.

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  6613 Hits

JoomlaDay Poland Summary


This past weekend two of our team members Derek and Pawel attended Joomla! Day Poland 2017. The event took place in Szczecin and was located only 3 miles from our Polish office.

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  3044 Hits